Education Outreach

TELFA Inc continues its support of Lystra All Age and Infant School. The team focused on improving the walkway and steps leading to the school after observing potential safety hazards for students and teachers. The team of community volunteers were finally able to start the project, after several delays due to COVID 19 restrictions and the associated price increase in materials.

Pictures below show deterioration of of the walkway and steps before repairs. TELFA provided supplies for the project and the work was done by volunteer members of the community, including students from the school. One important aspect of the project is the addition and installation of hand rails to improve safety

The team continues to work to provide much-needed computer hardware and software to primary schools in St. Thomas in Jamaica. Lystra Primary & Infant School and Aeolus Valley All Age School were the first beneficiaries of this project. They received tablets, computers, computer accessories, and other student and teacher supplies. With the assistance of our partner Jamaica Air Express in the Bronx New York, items valued at over $5000US were packed and shipped to Jamaica from the United States. Both teachers and students will be better equipped to meet the challenges of learning in a global environment.

Aeolus Valley All Age School and TELFA – Together for Better!

It was no coincidence that pulled us together- God planned it. To date, we have received gifts of love, encouragement, computers, tablets, digital non-contact Infrared Thermometers and PPE (masks- in school’s color and decked with our school’s logo) just what was needed to assist us in navigating this new and different season. We are excited, for already the impact this partnership brings has been a great one. With our vision aimed at growing connected, generous, thoughtful leaders who reach for the stars – sustaining a culture of excellence; TELFA has given us hope to press on. It can only get better!


Video of volunteers delivering supplies to Lystra Primary and Infant School and the principal Mrs. E. Davis-Wright