Who We Are

The family of Lawrence L. Telfer  and organizers of Together Empowering Lives For Achievement Inc., (TELFA Inc.)                                                                                                                                   L…

The family of Lawrence L. Telfer  and organizers of Together Empowering Lives For Achievement Inc., (TELFA Inc.) Left to right standing: Natasha Bell, Michael Telfer, Dawn Taylor, Lowell (Trent) Telfer, Lawrence Junior Telfer, Dale Telfer, Dayn Telfer, Oniel Dunkley, Patrice Telfer. Left to right seated: Marjorie Brown, Sharon Johnson, Joan Telfer, and Ned Telfer

Together Empowering Lives for Achievement Inc., the brainchild of the children of the late Lawrence L. Telfer was formed to memorialize his work and continue helping deserving individuals and institutions in underserved communities especially in his home parish St. Thomas Jamaica. . The vision of the organization, rooted in the name, is to Empower Lives for Achievement.

The Organization is a Not for Profit corporation registered in the State of Florida and is a tax-exempt public charity under Section (501)(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. This important designation allows TELFA Inc. to accept public donations and conduct fundraising events to carry out its mission. These funds will be used to fulfill the specific purpose as outlined in the organization’s Articles of Incorporation and in the Bylaws. TELFA, Inc. is controlled by a Board of Directors whose responsibilities are mandated by the Bylaws, the organization’s governing document. We are excited to embark on our mission which is to empower, motivate and transform lives in underserved communities by creating opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, and a positive outlook through education, agricultural initiatives, and social development.

Please visit our education and healthcare outreach pages to see what we have been up to, and what projects we have in the pipeline.